Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Thursday 22 December 2011


For the most part, most of my symptoms have faded away... they must have been sucked into my belly, which seems to have doubled in size overnight last week.  It's a constant battle between "WHY DO I FEEL SO GOOD?! and "I FEEL SO GOOD! shut up dont complain!"

I do have to share that last weekend we took my visiting cousin and her boyfriend up to DC for an all day affair, and I darn near fell apart. It was cold, but that was the highlight of my day, because I'm actually liking the cold. I was the only one walking around hands exposed breathing in the fresh air like it was hot cocoa. The part that got me was the walking. I was drained! By the time it started to get dark I was trying to hide a limp, staggering around in confusion. I normally do not tire quickly, and could walk all dang day just for kicks, but this got me. Never again. Pregnancy is deceptive. You think you've got it all under control, next thing you know you're trying not to cry out of frustration. Why am I so tired?! Why do my legs hurt?! Why am I so hungry!? I think I was more mentally frustrated with myself than I was in actual pain, but I seriously didn't expect that much from just walking. I guess our prebaby DisneyWorld trip is out of the question.

Baby's been moving a lot more in the last 2 weeks or so. I don't have to do anything to trigger it, and I absolutely love it. I sometimes just lie here basking in it. I can't wait until Dats comes home and can feel it, because you can feel it from outside now too! I've been fiercely protective of my belly though, I want him to be the first to feel our baby move, just like how I want him to be the only one who knows the gender until we're ready to tell people. Pregnancy has severely intensified my need for personal space and privacy, that's one thing I know for sure. Another factor could also be that he's missed so much already and I like having these little things for just us. I've got less than a month left til I move to Georgia, and then he'll be home in February! Then we'll have a little time to ourselves before the baby comes and we get flooded with my loving family =) I'll be happy to have the extra hands around to help for a little bit.

The upcoming move is going smoothly so far. I've sorted all my stuff into Things-I-Will-Need-Immediately (pregnancy clothes, dishes, rice cooker, a gift for my new friend who'll be helping me out when I get there, etc) and Things-I-Don't-Really-Need-At-All (books, albums, frames, brooms, old clothes, etc.) I'm shipping the useful stuff to GA ahead of me and the second batch will follow in April. I don't see myself trail running in my prepregnancy clothes anytime between now and then anyway. The housing office at Moody has been wonderful in helping us find a place, we had such a hard time deciding between 2 BR+carport+patio or 3 BR +1.5 bath and spaaaacious kitchen! We settled for the 2 bedroom because we honestly don't need that much space right now, and when I see an empty room, I get the urge to fill it. Also, there's no space for his motorcycle or for him to work on or wash the car, and I honestly miss having a yard. I want to take our little bugger outside! Dats is always talking about missing doing yardwork too... maybe he could take care of a few of the other yards on our street for some extra cash! Heck, I'm down to do it. They don't have boonie grass out here anyway, and it's flat. A simple lawnmower will do the trick.

I've been looking into all the new apps I plan on downloading when I get my new phone! Dats its getting it for me as a belated Christmas gift =) So far I've got my What to Expect app, Cozi, Mint.com, motionxGPS, my picture apps, autostitch panorama, iGag, rage faces, skype, USAA, Paypal, and myweather. My must haves. Unfortunately, I was logging in and out of every account I own now that my brother has secured our network to the max, and I know where all the progesterone has been sneakily affecting me. PASSWORDS. I can remember everything but my passwords and secret question answers. It's awful. Damn hormones knew how to hit me where it hurts, where NO ONE CAN HELP! DARNIT. I've gotten most of my important stuff reestablished, so that's good. but I've seriously got o start storing them SOMEWHERE.

Back to baby, after finally getting back into my WTE account, I can tell you that baby is about a pound and a half now! I haven't had much of an appetite, because when I do eat I feel like it never goes all the way down... I guess I've got to stick to a bland diet. My weight has been good so far so I'm very happy about that. On another note, I've been watching martial arts movies and they make me ridiculously emotional, even more so than sports movies. I've decided that my nickname for this baby will be Yip-Man, regardless of gender. I swear it's practicing Wing Chun forms in there! The other day it was so strong I actually felt queasy. That was the day Dats called me on Skype and said he'd been online waiting for me and I started bawling out of nowhere. Darn hormones. I felt so bad because we hadn't been able to talk much since we've been entertaining my cousins and I really wanted to talk to him and it's the holidays and he's far away and I know how much he wants to be home... I just broke down and it evolved from a sad face to a whimper to the ugliest face I've worn since I don't even know. I swear, he's the only one that makes me cry!

I guess that'll be it for now. Off to watch Ong Bak! Maybe I'll make some chocolate cake too, I've got a hankering!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Mid November.

Here we are. The stretching pains are getting worse... I guess I was getting off easy the last few weeks because now it's a dull ache that comes and goes and comes again, from my right side to my belly button. Very uncomfortable. I think I'd rather have this kind of symptom than the hurling again though. THAT was torture. I read that some people resume their first trimester symptoms in the third, and I'm seriously hoping that isn't the case.
My throat has been scratchy since yesterday, and I've taken it as a sign to start bundling up. My feet and hands are the only things that really get cold, but I really don't want to get sick right now. I wish I had some honey and lemon, maybe tomorrow I can get some at the commissary when I mail Dats and Justin's packages out. I hope they make it in time for Christmas! Dats doesn't want much, so we just made him a few cards and a "Christmas tree" on posterboard that we decorated with ornaments! I hope he likes it, at least he'll have some Christmas decorations up for the season.

The appointment went well! I love my doctor. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the end of this month, which I was surprisingly able to get! He referred me to the top 2 places for prenatal diagnosis in Maryland, so they're booked up until late January, but I was able to get a slot at his second choice the John Hopkins Hospital in downtown Baltimore. Traffic, but it's alright. I rarely go into the city, it'll be a nice change of pace. Next appointment is in 4 weeks! I'm so excited for the ultrasound!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

First deployment, Second trimester...

I'm finally starting to show! I no longer look like I'm really bloated on top of a muffin top, but now I think I can tell people that we're expecting and they'll actually believe me. I love that term, especially since I saw this post on one of my new favorite internet distractions.

**WARNING: Do not go on this site unless you are currently a bum with no life as I am**


Now that that's out of my system, I'll move on with the updates. Aside from looking more pregnant and feeling less queasy (although I STILL get carsick, and feel sick even on the swingset) I don't have much to report. I feel disgustingly full after half a meal, and then I get hungry an hour later. Itsy peeks of heartburn... The "growing pains" are starting, slightly uncomfortable but I think they were worse today due to my lack of movement. The weather is getting warmer as winter nears... I don't know what to make of it but I don't like how icky it makes me feel and I get a bad feeling it's going to make for a freezing winter. It's been so icky outside I don't even want to go out there! I just look out my window at all the beautiful colors. Autumn IS my favorite season, after all.

I am currently 17 weeks and a few days, and my next ultrasound is in a few days! I could have waited to post until after it, but I felt like writing NOW, so lucky for you readers. I'm waiting for Dats to get home so we can find out the gender of our baby together, so don't expect any big news from me any time soon. I feel like it's the least I can do, since he's already missing out on so much. I'm very grateful that he's able to keep in very close and constant contact with me, I know that it isn't a luxury that many military couples get when their spouses are deployed. It's our first, so he's intent on being as involved as he can, and I greatly appreciate it and look forward to when he gets home and we can have some real family time, just me, him, and baby. I come from a large and close family, and we're fortunate to be able to globe trot all over the place, however I have requested for some alone time since we haven't really had any since 2 years before we got married. This is the life we signed up for, and I support him fully... and I'm taking what precious time we have together wherever I can get it. When we're old and bored of each other, then we can go hang out with whomever we want... but right now, we really just want some time with each other. I crave that more than anything else.

The minions (my nieces and nephew) and I have started working on Dats' care package! He's missing a big string of holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, 28th birthday) so we're trying to make it a good one. So far we've made him a "tree" and several homemade cards, and I bought a stocking that I'm going to put the upcoming ultrasound picture in. He LOVES seeing pictures of me bloating up, so I'm sure he'll enjoy that since it doesn't show my unattractive midsection while still proving baby's getting bigger in there. He's even sent me a Boppy ( the Boppy Cuddle pillow, get one if you're uncomfortable sleeping and move around a lot, I LOVE MINE!) to get me to sleep better. First night I used it, I slept so well my bladder hurt in the morning because I didn't get up to pee the whole night! So comfy.

I like sitting around and reading all day... but listening to the girls do their homework when they get home from school makes me wanna get back on the bandwagon. I sometimes have to think a little about how to help them, which bothers me, so I decided to hop on Amazon and order myself some algebra workbooks to keep my mind sharp. I can't go on acting like numbers don't exist, just because I've always preferred reading. Math really isn't so bad... I just have a harder time relating to it. Put those numbers in a story and I'm a whizkid! I've always been better at relating information and storylines and situations help. On a similar note, I've found something interesting online. It makes a lot of sense the more that I think about it.

Bottle Test!

Try it when you have some spare time, I thought it was pretty accurate. I had my brother take it too! I can even see it in the pictures I take. Most of my shots aren't even focused on the subject... I'm very contextual. It's also why I have a difficult time giving solid answers to generic situations. I like the details.

More after the appointment!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Just chillin

in Maryland! I've been here for about a week now, and I'm loving the weather. I don't know how I was getting by in Guam with the heat! My poor parents have yet to see their power bill from when I moved back in for a bit. It was just around 50 and rainy today and I was hot so I stood outside in a t-shirt and skirt eating cookies and cream ice cream while people rushed around in coats and jackets. The heat is mainly concentrated in my neck and back, which is irksome since that's the part jackets and scarves like to cover.  I guess I could go out in just gloves! My hands are like ice and the rest of me is melting. I like to put them on my neck all the time to cool myself off. Yay pregnancy, we can do this! It's gonna be in the 30's this week, I'm wondering how I'll fare in that.

I'm trying not to compare myself to every other pregnant person I see, which is difficult. I even Google what women look like in certain weeks (15 for this week!) and wonder why I'm either monstrously huge or worryingly tiny in comparison. I don't know if I'm gaining any. My pants no longer button, but my ring is sliding off. Maybe the weight is shifting around? I don't know. We'll see at the next appointment what's going on.

As far as getting things settled in Guam, I think everything is pretty much taken care of. There are a few things left at the house for my ma to pack up and donate to the Philippines, and then a box of stuff to just save for myself. Things I love but never use, like the portable art kit from my brother. It's unbearably awesome and I never feel creative enough for it. I'm all set for Tricare here in MD and I'll be seen at Johns Hopkins (which I am very excited about!) and I have to admit I love how easily things get done around here, a big switch from Guam. I could have had it all done in a day if I wanted to! My next appointment is scheduled and everything, easy breezy. I wish I could apply for WIC while I'm here, but I'm not a resident and I'm only here for about 2 months so I don't know how that's going to work. I can wait until GA for that.

I'm still trying to adjust to the idea that I am no longer bringing in income. I've prepared for the next few months, but it's still hard for me to grasp. I've been working since I was legally able, and under the table before that, so going from that to indefinitely unemployed is another big first for me. I suppose I'm technically not unemployed since I'm not actively looking for work, but hey, no money is no money. Thankfully I have a husband who is ridiculously responsible with money (I can't believe my luck sometimes!) and who is very understanding about the whole issue, and supports me in going back to work as soon as I feel comfortable. That or he just doesn't want me digging in his pockets all the time,which I feel is fair since I would feel better contributing to our finances anyway. I like having my me-money.

Majah update: Her new owners are moving to Burma (I KNOW!) so they're trying to find her another home. I offered my help and have been getting a few hits, but I wish them luck in finding her a home as good as she had with them. They sincerely love her and I know they'll have a hard time letting her go especially if it isn't to a great home. I think the only reason I was able to do it is because I saw how much they loved her and took care of her. The dog lived in paradise, literally on the beach, with crabs and lizards to chase all day long and she built a nest of coconut husks. I just don't know if it gets any better than that. I am scarred for life at how hard it was to let go of her and convinced I will never be able to own another dog. Don't know how I'm going to handle the baby thing if I was that worked up about my dog. I'll probably go nuts if my kid gets sick. If you see me rolling a baby around in a floating bubble, please whack me.  The world has just become such a terrifying place. And to think, I was the one who used to brave it all.

Pre-pregnancy Jes :That puddle? *SPLASH*
Pregnant Jes: PUDDLE?! LEPTOSPIROSIS! *buys rain boots and walks around it anyway*

I was on Skype with Dats and I felt movement! I think he saw my face look confused and then I tried to explain it... like someone was blowing bubbles, or blowing a raspberry from INSIDE, or popcorn popping. We were VERY excited. He asked me to send him a sleep mask in his next care package, and I told him he better enjoy his sleep because he won't be getting any when he gets home. I will be bugging him all night long.

More updates later!

Friday 7 October 2011

Mini Vacation!

So it looks like I'm going on a mini vacation! I'm headed to the RP tonight where I'll be for a little bit. Planning to enjoy it, since I probably won't be going back until 2014 =) I'm also going to stock up on my cooking secret recipes staple (aka magic sarap) ! I haven't been cooking anything lately because
1) my brothers are on a health binge and what I cook isn't healthy
2) I hate putting in so much effort and money into something only I will enjoy
3) Now that I'm pregnant, I don't seem to like whatever I know how to make

It will be nice knowing I'll have easy access to it when I do start cooking again, at least. My husband will just have to fend for himself in the kitchen until I'm ready to bear the smell of garlic and onions again. Unless he wants to eat spaghetti and broccoli for the next few months, which will be fine with me!

So aversions. Here's my list:
-sweet bread
-kangen water
-chicken (especially actual chicken) (exception: in japanese curry, i will eat chicken.)
-most forms of meat (exception : ground beef)
-fish (except for grilled salmon, I'm not sure why but I will eat rice for salmon)
-most seafood ( I can stomach squid/pusit pretty well!)

I guess it doesn't sound so bad, but when you consider what the usual dining fare for a Filipina woman is... it rules out a LOT. I've been living off of italian food, fruits, cold milk (LOVE COLD MILK!), and force fed chicken cutlet and rice.

I'm entering my second trimester, and the symptoms are supposed to be easing up. For the most part they are, with the exception of the increasing aversions. I'm learning to just suck it up and swallow though, for the sake of adequate nutrition. I could go all day without eating, but my stomach never fails to remind me to cram something into my mouth. I have a window of 5 minutes to find food before I start dry heaving up the hizzy. The beauty of the human body. And now the hormones are REALLY coming in to play. I find myself more and more just wanting my personal space... I can't wait until Dats gets home and we can just enjoy each other and our little family before we venture out and meet the rest of the world. Family has always been a big thing for me... but for me, family has never been about blood. It's about the people you care about that care about you, that understand you and give you what you need, be it space or time or a listening ear, open mind, giving heart... Thankfully most of my family is exactly that, but I never limit it to just blood relatives. And I do make more of an effort to have relationships with people who are blood related to me, because I understand that many people think family is family is family, blood first. However, for me, family is love first.  I've always been a small group kind of person, and now it's even more intense. My main concern and my main priority has become the little teeny tiny thing in my tummy. As terrible as it sounds, I feel like the rest of the world can fend for itself while I focus on it.

Another new symptom has appeared. I guess I've been dodging it since I've been dodging sleep lately, but now that I'm able to sleep through the night they've come to keep me company. Around the net they're called "vivid dreams" but really all they are for me is nightmares. They aren't even about the baby! They're mostly about Dats leaving me, losing interest, things of that sort. If it's some kind of insight into my psyche, I'm assuming it means that I'm concerned that he won't be a part of our lives... I'm scared but pretty confident about the baby, but the things that worry me are things that are out of my control, aka his feelings, lol. When I wake up I feel very very guilty though because he's always been so good to me and I've never had any reason to doubt him. When I tell him about them he doesn't even get hurt or offended that I would dream such things, just reassures me that the favorite thing on him is his ring. I'm glad he's so understanding about it.

I mentioned that the hormones are kicking in! Yes, with a vengeance. The other night my dad said something about my eating all the time and I cried myself to sleep. I even went into creating a FB post that I knew would bother him and that he would see, since he's always on my ma's account. After reading it he said he's never going to go on FB again, and tells my ma I've changed. *sigh* because I finally say something about the constant teasing, I've changed. oh well. I'll just settle with the fact that he doesn't understand and he's so used to saying whatever he wants and criticizing everyone else for what they say. He's not used to responses.
Anyway, it was a blessing in disguise, since it made me want to leave earlier, which is how I found out that I actually SHOULD leave earlier. The Continental/United merger changed up the rules, so I've got until the end of the month to get outta here. Good thing I'm all packed! Aside from depositing my last check and picking up my medical records, I'm out of the system here =)

Last night I was able to visit Majah! I brought kuya (older brother) with me, because it gets DARK down south, and I'm not familiar with the area. She's so ridiculously happy, I wouldn't dare take her from there, as much as I want to. Driving away and seeing her through my window was awful. I'm going back again once before I leave so that I can get more pictures of her in action.

More when I get home!

Friday 23 September 2011

Oh Happy Days

Overall, I've had a fantastic week. Aside from the pregnancy blah blahs, which I'm getting accustomed to, I was able to hang out with some friends!

Brief rundown: 
Monday - Lion King  in 3D with Elainey, topped off with Ice Cream! I came really close to crying in the theatre, but I fought it off. Here's one victory over the hormones!
Tuesday - Warrior with Neil, followed by an amazing impromptu dinner at a nice korean bbq place, where we fiddled around with the grill because we didn't really know what we were doing.
Wednesday - I can't really recall what I did that evening. I was most likely asleep.
Thursday - STOMP! as in Broadway! Loved every pounding minute of it! I'd definitely take my family to watch it again. Thanks work for being awesome and getting us tickets!
Friday - Just came from a birthday party for my cousin. There was a lot of food, but all I really ate was potato salad and 2 cupcakes. I waited all night for those cupcakes, and they were scrumptious.

I'm excited for tomorrow, it's Cirque Shanghai with Bruce! And on Sunday I'll most likely spend the day with my ma and auntie =) I had a few grumpy bumps in the week, but aside from one incident of irrational anger because I wasn't able to pick up my prescription, all was well! I have to share pictures with you ...

This week has been amazing for so many other reasons. One is that I finally got updated pics of Majah and she looks very, very happy.
I'm glad I found her a home that she really meshes with, and I don't think I could have done any better =)

Another is my 10 week appointment went well! Slightly uncomfortable, but let me tell you, the pain just washes away once you see the screen.So far all is happy and healthy and active! Let's just say that I didn't get the ultrasound I was expecting, and cramping resulted. I wouldn't have changed a thing though.

Lastly, because I'm really starting to appreciate what a loving and amazing man I married. The last few weeks have been really difficult for him, and I couldn't grasp why he was so busy or rushed or tired... it's because from 8000 miles away he was thinking of me. I must confess that I went into this seeing myself as the organizer and the get things done person. I found out today, the day he leaves for his deployment, that he was getting everything settled so that when I get there, I don't have a hard time. He set up everything from the post office to the housing, to organizing his stuff in storage so that it would be easy for me to take out and sort, prepaid his bills and set aside funds... and I almost couldn't believe how much he was able to accomplish in just a month. I of course come back with "I'm not frail!" but I guess for him it was important. He says it's his way of being there because he can't physically be here at the moment, and that he doesn't want me to stress or worry about these things right now. I have to admit that I appreciate the gesture and am very glad because it will make things a lot easier when I get there.

The thing that moved me most of all was that before he got off the phone with me today, he said that he prayed, and of all things, for me. My husband is not exactly a religious, spiritual, praying man. He's very passionate and determined and many other things, but praying isn't something that he does a lot of, even though I do it all the time. So when he said that to me, I have to say that I never felt so loved and so sure of us than I ever have before. I was in awe. I didn't know what to say, I was just so overcome with everything. To know that of the very few times he has ever prayed, of all the things and people he could pray for, he thought of me just meant so much I can't even begin to explain. He surprises me everyday. I think he's going to be a wonderful father.

Love from me and the little one =)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

8 weeks? 9 weeks?

Baby Update!
According to the period method (which I don't trust because I have an extreeeeemely irregular cycle), I'm 9 weeks. I feel like I'm huge though. I just lost all that weight and as of my last appointment I'm supposed to gain most of it back. It hasn't been fun so far, I'm either starving for something that's ridiculously expensive (steak, anyone?) or something that's only available on certain days (Spencer BBQ, fleamarket mornings ONLY) To top it off, I can't even have my steak the way I like it (medium well) so I don't want to pay for it if I can't have it the way I want. I can't STAND chicken, but I feel bad being so picky so I just take it. Sometimes if the sauce is awesome I just try to trick myself, but it doesn't work. The texture of it, the look of it, it's awful. I used to love chicken like it were my other half, and now I detest its presence in my life. The good side of it is, not eating chicken has opened up my eyes to all the other delicious meats! This morning I was craving American style BBQ ribs. Planned on going out to lunch with some of my coworkers (since I went back to work this week), but that fell through because the combination of my weakened state and being surrounded by sickly people in a freezing office and rain (OH MY THE RAIN) has taken it's toll. I was home by 1300. I went from happily discussing Planet of the Apes with my coworkers, to staring at pictures of ribs on the left screen of my dual monitors that I pulled up on a Google Image Search (St. Louis Ribs, DO IT!), to laying with my head on the desk silently suffering as I tried not to sneeze ( it hurts what I can only imagine is my uterus). I suppose this is all because it's my first pregnancy, and my body is still adjusting  to this surge of hormones. The fact that my hormones JUST GOT BACK ON TRACK may not be helping either, I'm probably the most hormonally unstable person on the planet right now which has got me worried in all sorts of ways.

Here are a bunch of pregnancy pains that no one tells you about, until you google it.

1. GAS.
2. Random mild cramping
3. Painful sneezing
4. Constipation
5. Neck and Back pain ( the prenatal yoga only feels good during the yoga session. Every other hour of the day you will be miserable. They better not be lying about it getting better, or I'm writing a letter.)
6. That awful glucose drink! UGH! Who makes a hungry pregnant woman fast (as in not eating, not molding her to become the next Usain Bolt) and then down THAT?!
7. Pregnancy related Carpal Tunnel ( I KNOW, WHO KNEW?!)

Try not to mind me too much, I'm just cranky. Cranky at the idea that I am terrified I'm going to fart every time I sneeze in the office. I did it in the stall once on one of my many pee trips and almost burst out laughing. I would've freaked out the lady next to me so I held it in.

The books and the internet have been very helpful, but my ma's been the best of all. I lie in bed all day feeling like a lazy slob but she seems to understand. I'm spending as much time with her as I can while I'm here because I'm her only daughter and this is the only chance she'll have left to baby me. I'm in the mood for babying, I'm just afraid of getting too comfortable. I don't like the idea of delaying growth and progress for the sake of comfort.

I've been taking belly pics every week but they just look like fat so those won't be going up anytime soon. Dats swears he sees a difference and that's "it's so cute!" (You'd laugh if you knew him). I love that he's so involved and supportive, to the point that he feels terrible about not getting to be around for a majority of it. I don't love that he feels terrible, but you get what I mean, right? He's the best husband he can be from where he's at =) I can't wait until I get the first sonogram (ultrasound is next week!) and I start showing more so I can make him a photobook of our progress to send to him when he's deployed! The USO's got a great program going on, I hope I get all the stuff in time for me to send it out! Yay, Rocketlife! Here's the link for all who are interested in doing something similar.


Majah Update!
I received an email from her new home, and they ADORE her, so I'm very happy =). They said they'd send pictures of her playing on the beach with her coconuts! I'm glad she finally got to see the beach, Dats would always bug me to take her but when she was a puppy, but that's a prime spot for parvo and she was sickly enough as it was. Soon enough it was just too much of a hassle to put a wet dog in my car, so we never brought her. Now she'll spend the rest of her days watching an Agat sunset... I can only imagine what she thinks of it. Pics up when I get them =)

Monday 29 August 2011

little miss majah

I never really used to like animals as a kid. I got tired of them really fast. Even as I got older, the furthest I'd go was fish, and I went pretty far into that. Strange as it sounds, I was pretty committed to those fish. I stayed up all night to fan water into one's gills because it was paralyzed. And I put my brothers fish in solitary confinement for making my fish's life miserable.

When I was in middle school, my brother bought a dog. We named him Soljah, because all of our dogs were ranks and we just ran out so we went with soljahboy. Oh man, did I like playing with and training that dog. But he wasn't mine... and when the time came to turn him over to my brother, I let go. Sometimes I regret it. It's one of the few that I have in my life, and to this day I can barely stand to see what I let happen to him. When we moved here he was tied to a tree and attacked and I didn't think he was going to make it. Thankfully, he did. I decided to get a new dog to watch the house we just moved into since Soljah was so badly injured and getting old, and to keep me company since Dats was leaving and I was always home alone. That's how I ended up with Majah.

She was supposed to stay out on the porch where she could watch the house and be safe from those vicious boonie dogs. But I couldn't stand keeping her out there and feeling like if I did she'd just end up outside like all the rest. So she became my best friend. Dats and I took turns walking her every 4 hours, and then every morning at 4 am he would get up and take her out and then I'd take her before I go to work, and then I'd rush home to see her again. I'd take her jogging every night to meet up with him after his workout. I gave her expensive medication that was wayy out of a college students budget everyday for months to get rid of her mange, and I got my first speeding ticket rushing home to let her out of her kennel. She'd make this funny chewbacca noise in the mornings when I'd be too lazy to get out of bed... and when ever I'm away for too long, she sticks to me like glue when I come home. I go to use the bathroom and when I open the door she practically falls inside. She spent her first night away from home the night before she got spayed, and on Saturday will be her last night. She's been on me like a magnet since she's been back... Sometimes I wonder if she knows what's happening. Dats says she can probably tell somethings up because she always does this when I'm sick, she just hangs out in my room with me even if the door is open and I'm just sleeping. My only solace is she'll be going to a wonderful home.
I was never really an animal person... I get tired of things incredibly fast. There are things I love for one month and hate the next... but I never got tired of coming home to her. And I can't believe she won't be here waiting when I come home again.

I love you Majah. I know your new family will love you just as much as we did. And thank you for being my friend.

Majah keeping guard
Taken as I write this blog entry,next to my bed just like ol faithful.

I bet my baby would love her.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Our own little fruit basket!

Hello readers! I know it's been awhile since I've written, and trust me, it's not without reason. I know you all are just getting to know me, so I'll add a little backdrop to this story before I tell you why I'm so excited.

Last year, I was diagnosed with PCOS. In short, my hormones were all screwy, resulting in weight gain, changes in my hair and face, and it was difficult to lose the weight I was putting on. Apparently I may have had it as early as middle school, when my severely irregular periods first started, but it was masked as I joined sports to maintain a healthy weight and was put on BCP to regulate it. I got off the pills about a year ago, as I thought that might be what was the reason it was so difficult for me to drop the weight I was gaining, only to find out there was a deeper problem. The doctor told me that my body and hormones were not in the right mix to have kids anytime soon, and I was put on medication to remedy it. I love kids, and I've always wanted a family, so this was pretty crushing. A lot of crying took place, and my poor husband (we weren't married yet) took the brunt of it and he stood by me and always calmed me down... and he waited with me as I did whatever I could to just address the situation. Eventually I was taken off the medication, and told not to expect anything for awhile as my body was still normalizing. By now I've already kind of adjusted to the fact that we may have to wait for awhile and to the fact that we may not be able to have kids of our own at all. I tried to look at it as a chance for us to have time for just the two of us before we started a family, and that made things a little easier.

Fastforward to this July, we get married, and as of a few weeks ago, we find out we're expecting! I'm so excited, nervous, happy, but most of all I'm grateful. I let go and I let God, and as always, he knows when we're ready more than we know ourselves. I sometimes still can't believe how unbelievably blessed I am... to have a loving and supportive  family, a husband who stands by me in my most difficult hours, and now for this opportunity for us to start a family of our own. We've already came up with a name if it's a girl : Mara / Maia Elizabeth. (goddess of springtime and God's Promise)

I was going to wait until I was at least 2-3 months along, but my parents can't seem to hold it in so I might as well spill before I have no one left to tell! It's going to be a long and difficult journey ahead, seeing as Dats will be deployed, we're currently 8000 miles apart, and I'll be in the process of moving, but it's all doable. By the time he gets home I'll be about 7-8 months along so he won't miss EVERYTHING. (He's already wanting me to come out now so he can "help") I don't know what he could do aside from get me food though. I think he really just wants to be here for us, and he feels bad that he can't, and I think he's going to be a great father even though he's worried he won't be. So far he's been an amazing husband and partner, far or near. I couldn't ask for more.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

work and working out.

My cousins left, the final signal that summer is coming to an end. I miss you guys already, especially considering you're my only followers at the moment.
 I normally use the first day of school as the signal, but that no longer matters to me, because I'm DONE! Done attending here, anyway. We'll see what Georgia's got going on , and if I have time considering I plan on flooding myself with extracurricular activities when I get there. I plan on taking up knitting, for example. Practical and calming, or so I've read. I'll be able to make meaningful personalized gifts for everyone! I think my hands need to things other than typing, and this ought to be good exercise. 

I've just been moved up at work again, and I suppose I can't complain! It's a lot more work and responsibility, but I think I need that right now. I don't want to get lazy now that school's over. I'm easing back into my work out routine as well, to keep me occupied at night. I usually workout alone, mainly because it gives me time to think and really get in tune with myself. I tried doing some basic yoga poses and a few months really takes a toll on flexibility, so I'm starting up on that too. My goal is to lose my last 20 without gym equipment or drastic changes to my lifestyle. I know myself, and any major changes = major bounce back. My previous method worked quite well, I lost weight consistently for months and have kept it off since then. Another reason I want to get more fit? I can't wait to do the Warrior Dash next year with my husband, cousin, and brother! I refuse to be the one lagging behind. I have good endurance, it's my speed I need to work on. Speed and upper body! I can walk, jog, and squat all day but I don't recall ever being able to do a pull-up. Better if I lay out goals, just to solidify things, isn't it? Here they are.

  1. Do 5 pull-ups
  2. Get to size 7 by January 2012
  3. Complete the Warrior Dash with my family

I considered doing the Zombie run being held in MD this October (my brother's joining it!), but I won't be able to make it. My new passport isn't in yet, and I've got this new thing at work, so I'm kind of stuck. I also watched the trailer and will admit that it freaked me out. I seriously do not like being followed, much less chased. I'm a big zombie fan, but I'm not down for that. I'd be terrified. It sounded more fun than it looked. I'll just stick to watching the movies, thank you.

I guess it's work and working out until I get on the plane!

Note: I'm using the Georgia font, how fitting!

Sunday 14 August 2011

The weekend is over...

and thankfully it's been a busy one. I finished 2 books (I miss reading, I picked it up again now that I'll be moving to a place that has bigger libraries and Books-a-million), spent time with my cousins, took care of a few errands, did some more research on my soon-to-be-home, and started making arrangements for my departure. 

I've had a lot of time to prepare for leaving so I've been trying to do it in tiny baby steps. Like with the paperwork, the easy stuff is out of the way. I've sorted through my things, and separated what I'm bringing, what I'm selling, and what I'm giving away. Some of my things have been sold at the fleamarket, others sent to the Philippines. Used that money to purchase and pack the big things I know I won't be able to find in Georgia, namely

Walis Tingting / Coconut Broom

Soft Broom
Kamyu Blade (It's for grating coconuts, you attach it to a small stool, sit on it like a horse and grate away.) I'll make you some coconut candy if we ever meet =)

Everything else will be pretty easy to part with, or to put in storage. I won't be bringing much because we're paying my relocation out of pocket. We postponed the wedding due to a family emergency, and since I wasn't included in his orders to his current duty station, it's complicated things a bit. In the long run it may have been a better move for me to stay though, since I was able to finish up and get my degree, continue various projects at work, and to get all my junk here squared away before moving. It's given me some extra time to find a job out there, at the very least. ( I still haven't found one. Hopefully that will change soon as I do like to work and keep busy)

The hardest part for me will be letting go of this sweet girl.

Since she was a puppy until she's had puppies of her own. I'd bring her with me but right now it just isn't in our budget to relocate her and then pay an additional pet deposit, and we'd need a place with a yard... I feel terrible about leaving her, so much so that I sometimes try to distance myself. It's difficult when I've had a long day and I come home and she's always waiting for me with a smile though... then she ends up back in the room with me. My jogging partner, my security system, my morning alarm. I now understand why Dats misses her so much. I haven't even left yet and I miss her already.

 Mommy's trying to find you a good home Majah.

Friday 12 August 2011


Today was a productive day! I've been car-less for the last 2 weeks or so, so whenever I get a ride or a car I try to jam-pack whatever I can into the day. Today I took the day off to spend it with my cousins who will be heading back to California in a few days. We headed to the usual spots so that they could buy "pasalubong" or "gifts/souvenirs" for home. We picked up a mango lava and some Yogurtland before we went to ABC Stores and Chamorro Village. I ended up buying shrimp pad thai for another cousin who's celebrating her 20th birthday tomorrow!
Not sure what else to write for now because I'm getting distracted by cable (I haven't had cable for almost 2 years now) so when it's on I go into a trance. I'll be back with more for you when I can remember what I wanted to say!

Thursday 11 August 2011

here comes the paperwork.

Quick background before I dive into the fun stuff. Dats and I got married mid-July, just before my birthday, and then he left a little more than a week later. Prior to that, we haven't seen each other aside from 2 weeks in September last year, and a few weeks in the spring before that. We've been together for about 6 years before the whole military picture, but as a military baby I'm accustomed to long breaks, paperwork, and never knowing what's next. I really didn't expect him to join, but I fully support him as I always have and will.

I just detest standing in line.

We got all the big stuff out of the way days after the wedding. He was here on RAP but I was able to take care of most of it myself since conveniently, I live here. SS name change, passport, re-enroll in DEERS, Tricare, POA's, a joint account to supplement our individual ones, a trip to Finance, all that good stuff. I canceled our honeymoon hotel booking and opted to surprise him with a night camping on the beach to watch the sunrise where America's Day Begins. We missed it, but managed to catch a glimpse the day before, so it wasn't so bad. Odd that we missed it, seeing how we're normally early-birds, but we enjoyed the secluded beach and short hike all the same. Caught the dinner show at SandCastle later that evening, and to top it all off, I was invited by the magician to participate! How did he know it was my birthday? I'll never know.

With all that taken care of I thought I would be off the hook for a good month or so. Spared from the lines and the waiting so I could enjoy my single-y spent newlywed bliss (since he had to go back so suddenly). I was wrong. He called last week to inform me that he's going TDY for 2 weeks and then slotted to deploy in September. Good grief, that changes things. Now we have to deal with wills, more POA's, more paperwork, authorization, account cancellation/suspension, finding a new place, and MOVING...while we're already 8000 miles apart. Now it takes about 2 days of straight travel to get from Guam to Georgia and I'm out of leave, so he's got about a week to get stuff straight. Pray for him please! I won't be following him out there until November at the earliest, so right now it's getting his stuff in storage and making sure I'll be able to get it out when I get there. Then comes my mess to deal with. If you have the answers to any of this, please share! It would help so much, and I'd really appreciate it.

Do I need a Georgia Drivers License? If so, can I just trade in my Guam one?
Do I list Georgia as my new domicile? I won't be returning to Guam to live anytime in the foreseeable future.
If I list Georgia as my domicile, will I be filing taxes there from now on?

I've been scouring the web all day trying to figure some of this stuff out, so brains fried as to what else I might need to think about. I'm going through the predeployment checklists and over half of it doesn't apply to us (yet). I'm filling it out anyway, to err on the side of caution. It helps a LOT. I'm trying to customize it so that it's easier to navigate. I'll probably post mine up when I'm done for whoever else may need it.

This is our first deployment, so I'm not exactly sure what to expect of it as a spouse. I've got the being lonely part down pretty well so far, so I'm going to try staying busy and thinking of it as just a few extra months apart. I won't be leaving Guam until at least November, and he'll be gone by then. It's August... and he'll be back next year. He'll miss our first Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and his birthday (he's turning 28!) as a married couple. Its only been what, 3 weeks and I miss him terribly. I don't recall how I managed to do this multiple times before. I can't wait to see him again.