Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Sunday 14 August 2011

The weekend is over...

and thankfully it's been a busy one. I finished 2 books (I miss reading, I picked it up again now that I'll be moving to a place that has bigger libraries and Books-a-million), spent time with my cousins, took care of a few errands, did some more research on my soon-to-be-home, and started making arrangements for my departure. 

I've had a lot of time to prepare for leaving so I've been trying to do it in tiny baby steps. Like with the paperwork, the easy stuff is out of the way. I've sorted through my things, and separated what I'm bringing, what I'm selling, and what I'm giving away. Some of my things have been sold at the fleamarket, others sent to the Philippines. Used that money to purchase and pack the big things I know I won't be able to find in Georgia, namely

Walis Tingting / Coconut Broom

Soft Broom
Kamyu Blade (It's for grating coconuts, you attach it to a small stool, sit on it like a horse and grate away.) I'll make you some coconut candy if we ever meet =)

Everything else will be pretty easy to part with, or to put in storage. I won't be bringing much because we're paying my relocation out of pocket. We postponed the wedding due to a family emergency, and since I wasn't included in his orders to his current duty station, it's complicated things a bit. In the long run it may have been a better move for me to stay though, since I was able to finish up and get my degree, continue various projects at work, and to get all my junk here squared away before moving. It's given me some extra time to find a job out there, at the very least. ( I still haven't found one. Hopefully that will change soon as I do like to work and keep busy)

The hardest part for me will be letting go of this sweet girl.

Since she was a puppy until she's had puppies of her own. I'd bring her with me but right now it just isn't in our budget to relocate her and then pay an additional pet deposit, and we'd need a place with a yard... I feel terrible about leaving her, so much so that I sometimes try to distance myself. It's difficult when I've had a long day and I come home and she's always waiting for me with a smile though... then she ends up back in the room with me. My jogging partner, my security system, my morning alarm. I now understand why Dats misses her so much. I haven't even left yet and I miss her already.

 Mommy's trying to find you a good home Majah.

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