Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Saturday 27 August 2011

Our own little fruit basket!

Hello readers! I know it's been awhile since I've written, and trust me, it's not without reason. I know you all are just getting to know me, so I'll add a little backdrop to this story before I tell you why I'm so excited.

Last year, I was diagnosed with PCOS. In short, my hormones were all screwy, resulting in weight gain, changes in my hair and face, and it was difficult to lose the weight I was putting on. Apparently I may have had it as early as middle school, when my severely irregular periods first started, but it was masked as I joined sports to maintain a healthy weight and was put on BCP to regulate it. I got off the pills about a year ago, as I thought that might be what was the reason it was so difficult for me to drop the weight I was gaining, only to find out there was a deeper problem. The doctor told me that my body and hormones were not in the right mix to have kids anytime soon, and I was put on medication to remedy it. I love kids, and I've always wanted a family, so this was pretty crushing. A lot of crying took place, and my poor husband (we weren't married yet) took the brunt of it and he stood by me and always calmed me down... and he waited with me as I did whatever I could to just address the situation. Eventually I was taken off the medication, and told not to expect anything for awhile as my body was still normalizing. By now I've already kind of adjusted to the fact that we may have to wait for awhile and to the fact that we may not be able to have kids of our own at all. I tried to look at it as a chance for us to have time for just the two of us before we started a family, and that made things a little easier.

Fastforward to this July, we get married, and as of a few weeks ago, we find out we're expecting! I'm so excited, nervous, happy, but most of all I'm grateful. I let go and I let God, and as always, he knows when we're ready more than we know ourselves. I sometimes still can't believe how unbelievably blessed I am... to have a loving and supportive  family, a husband who stands by me in my most difficult hours, and now for this opportunity for us to start a family of our own. We've already came up with a name if it's a girl : Mara / Maia Elizabeth. (goddess of springtime and God's Promise)

I was going to wait until I was at least 2-3 months along, but my parents can't seem to hold it in so I might as well spill before I have no one left to tell! It's going to be a long and difficult journey ahead, seeing as Dats will be deployed, we're currently 8000 miles apart, and I'll be in the process of moving, but it's all doable. By the time he gets home I'll be about 7-8 months along so he won't miss EVERYTHING. (He's already wanting me to come out now so he can "help") I don't know what he could do aside from get me food though. I think he really just wants to be here for us, and he feels bad that he can't, and I think he's going to be a great father even though he's worried he won't be. So far he's been an amazing husband and partner, far or near. I couldn't ask for more.

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