Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Monday 29 August 2011

little miss majah

I never really used to like animals as a kid. I got tired of them really fast. Even as I got older, the furthest I'd go was fish, and I went pretty far into that. Strange as it sounds, I was pretty committed to those fish. I stayed up all night to fan water into one's gills because it was paralyzed. And I put my brothers fish in solitary confinement for making my fish's life miserable.

When I was in middle school, my brother bought a dog. We named him Soljah, because all of our dogs were ranks and we just ran out so we went with soljahboy. Oh man, did I like playing with and training that dog. But he wasn't mine... and when the time came to turn him over to my brother, I let go. Sometimes I regret it. It's one of the few that I have in my life, and to this day I can barely stand to see what I let happen to him. When we moved here he was tied to a tree and attacked and I didn't think he was going to make it. Thankfully, he did. I decided to get a new dog to watch the house we just moved into since Soljah was so badly injured and getting old, and to keep me company since Dats was leaving and I was always home alone. That's how I ended up with Majah.

She was supposed to stay out on the porch where she could watch the house and be safe from those vicious boonie dogs. But I couldn't stand keeping her out there and feeling like if I did she'd just end up outside like all the rest. So she became my best friend. Dats and I took turns walking her every 4 hours, and then every morning at 4 am he would get up and take her out and then I'd take her before I go to work, and then I'd rush home to see her again. I'd take her jogging every night to meet up with him after his workout. I gave her expensive medication that was wayy out of a college students budget everyday for months to get rid of her mange, and I got my first speeding ticket rushing home to let her out of her kennel. She'd make this funny chewbacca noise in the mornings when I'd be too lazy to get out of bed... and when ever I'm away for too long, she sticks to me like glue when I come home. I go to use the bathroom and when I open the door she practically falls inside. She spent her first night away from home the night before she got spayed, and on Saturday will be her last night. She's been on me like a magnet since she's been back... Sometimes I wonder if she knows what's happening. Dats says she can probably tell somethings up because she always does this when I'm sick, she just hangs out in my room with me even if the door is open and I'm just sleeping. My only solace is she'll be going to a wonderful home.
I was never really an animal person... I get tired of things incredibly fast. There are things I love for one month and hate the next... but I never got tired of coming home to her. And I can't believe she won't be here waiting when I come home again.

I love you Majah. I know your new family will love you just as much as we did. And thank you for being my friend.

Majah keeping guard
Taken as I write this blog entry,next to my bed just like ol faithful.

I bet my baby would love her.

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