Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Friday 23 September 2011

Oh Happy Days

Overall, I've had a fantastic week. Aside from the pregnancy blah blahs, which I'm getting accustomed to, I was able to hang out with some friends!

Brief rundown: 
Monday - Lion King  in 3D with Elainey, topped off with Ice Cream! I came really close to crying in the theatre, but I fought it off. Here's one victory over the hormones!
Tuesday - Warrior with Neil, followed by an amazing impromptu dinner at a nice korean bbq place, where we fiddled around with the grill because we didn't really know what we were doing.
Wednesday - I can't really recall what I did that evening. I was most likely asleep.
Thursday - STOMP! as in Broadway! Loved every pounding minute of it! I'd definitely take my family to watch it again. Thanks work for being awesome and getting us tickets!
Friday - Just came from a birthday party for my cousin. There was a lot of food, but all I really ate was potato salad and 2 cupcakes. I waited all night for those cupcakes, and they were scrumptious.

I'm excited for tomorrow, it's Cirque Shanghai with Bruce! And on Sunday I'll most likely spend the day with my ma and auntie =) I had a few grumpy bumps in the week, but aside from one incident of irrational anger because I wasn't able to pick up my prescription, all was well! I have to share pictures with you ...

This week has been amazing for so many other reasons. One is that I finally got updated pics of Majah and she looks very, very happy.
I'm glad I found her a home that she really meshes with, and I don't think I could have done any better =)

Another is my 10 week appointment went well! Slightly uncomfortable, but let me tell you, the pain just washes away once you see the screen.So far all is happy and healthy and active! Let's just say that I didn't get the ultrasound I was expecting, and cramping resulted. I wouldn't have changed a thing though.

Lastly, because I'm really starting to appreciate what a loving and amazing man I married. The last few weeks have been really difficult for him, and I couldn't grasp why he was so busy or rushed or tired... it's because from 8000 miles away he was thinking of me. I must confess that I went into this seeing myself as the organizer and the get things done person. I found out today, the day he leaves for his deployment, that he was getting everything settled so that when I get there, I don't have a hard time. He set up everything from the post office to the housing, to organizing his stuff in storage so that it would be easy for me to take out and sort, prepaid his bills and set aside funds... and I almost couldn't believe how much he was able to accomplish in just a month. I of course come back with "I'm not frail!" but I guess for him it was important. He says it's his way of being there because he can't physically be here at the moment, and that he doesn't want me to stress or worry about these things right now. I have to admit that I appreciate the gesture and am very glad because it will make things a lot easier when I get there.

The thing that moved me most of all was that before he got off the phone with me today, he said that he prayed, and of all things, for me. My husband is not exactly a religious, spiritual, praying man. He's very passionate and determined and many other things, but praying isn't something that he does a lot of, even though I do it all the time. So when he said that to me, I have to say that I never felt so loved and so sure of us than I ever have before. I was in awe. I didn't know what to say, I was just so overcome with everything. To know that of the very few times he has ever prayed, of all the things and people he could pray for, he thought of me just meant so much I can't even begin to explain. He surprises me everyday. I think he's going to be a wonderful father.

Love from me and the little one =)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

8 weeks? 9 weeks?

Baby Update!
According to the period method (which I don't trust because I have an extreeeeemely irregular cycle), I'm 9 weeks. I feel like I'm huge though. I just lost all that weight and as of my last appointment I'm supposed to gain most of it back. It hasn't been fun so far, I'm either starving for something that's ridiculously expensive (steak, anyone?) or something that's only available on certain days (Spencer BBQ, fleamarket mornings ONLY) To top it off, I can't even have my steak the way I like it (medium well) so I don't want to pay for it if I can't have it the way I want. I can't STAND chicken, but I feel bad being so picky so I just take it. Sometimes if the sauce is awesome I just try to trick myself, but it doesn't work. The texture of it, the look of it, it's awful. I used to love chicken like it were my other half, and now I detest its presence in my life. The good side of it is, not eating chicken has opened up my eyes to all the other delicious meats! This morning I was craving American style BBQ ribs. Planned on going out to lunch with some of my coworkers (since I went back to work this week), but that fell through because the combination of my weakened state and being surrounded by sickly people in a freezing office and rain (OH MY THE RAIN) has taken it's toll. I was home by 1300. I went from happily discussing Planet of the Apes with my coworkers, to staring at pictures of ribs on the left screen of my dual monitors that I pulled up on a Google Image Search (St. Louis Ribs, DO IT!), to laying with my head on the desk silently suffering as I tried not to sneeze ( it hurts what I can only imagine is my uterus). I suppose this is all because it's my first pregnancy, and my body is still adjusting  to this surge of hormones. The fact that my hormones JUST GOT BACK ON TRACK may not be helping either, I'm probably the most hormonally unstable person on the planet right now which has got me worried in all sorts of ways.

Here are a bunch of pregnancy pains that no one tells you about, until you google it.

1. GAS.
2. Random mild cramping
3. Painful sneezing
4. Constipation
5. Neck and Back pain ( the prenatal yoga only feels good during the yoga session. Every other hour of the day you will be miserable. They better not be lying about it getting better, or I'm writing a letter.)
6. That awful glucose drink! UGH! Who makes a hungry pregnant woman fast (as in not eating, not molding her to become the next Usain Bolt) and then down THAT?!
7. Pregnancy related Carpal Tunnel ( I KNOW, WHO KNEW?!)

Try not to mind me too much, I'm just cranky. Cranky at the idea that I am terrified I'm going to fart every time I sneeze in the office. I did it in the stall once on one of my many pee trips and almost burst out laughing. I would've freaked out the lady next to me so I held it in.

The books and the internet have been very helpful, but my ma's been the best of all. I lie in bed all day feeling like a lazy slob but she seems to understand. I'm spending as much time with her as I can while I'm here because I'm her only daughter and this is the only chance she'll have left to baby me. I'm in the mood for babying, I'm just afraid of getting too comfortable. I don't like the idea of delaying growth and progress for the sake of comfort.

I've been taking belly pics every week but they just look like fat so those won't be going up anytime soon. Dats swears he sees a difference and that's "it's so cute!" (You'd laugh if you knew him). I love that he's so involved and supportive, to the point that he feels terrible about not getting to be around for a majority of it. I don't love that he feels terrible, but you get what I mean, right? He's the best husband he can be from where he's at =) I can't wait until I get the first sonogram (ultrasound is next week!) and I start showing more so I can make him a photobook of our progress to send to him when he's deployed! The USO's got a great program going on, I hope I get all the stuff in time for me to send it out! Yay, Rocketlife! Here's the link for all who are interested in doing something similar.


Majah Update!
I received an email from her new home, and they ADORE her, so I'm very happy =). They said they'd send pictures of her playing on the beach with her coconuts! I'm glad she finally got to see the beach, Dats would always bug me to take her but when she was a puppy, but that's a prime spot for parvo and she was sickly enough as it was. Soon enough it was just too much of a hassle to put a wet dog in my car, so we never brought her. Now she'll spend the rest of her days watching an Agat sunset... I can only imagine what she thinks of it. Pics up when I get them =)