Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Mid November.

Here we are. The stretching pains are getting worse... I guess I was getting off easy the last few weeks because now it's a dull ache that comes and goes and comes again, from my right side to my belly button. Very uncomfortable. I think I'd rather have this kind of symptom than the hurling again though. THAT was torture. I read that some people resume their first trimester symptoms in the third, and I'm seriously hoping that isn't the case.
My throat has been scratchy since yesterday, and I've taken it as a sign to start bundling up. My feet and hands are the only things that really get cold, but I really don't want to get sick right now. I wish I had some honey and lemon, maybe tomorrow I can get some at the commissary when I mail Dats and Justin's packages out. I hope they make it in time for Christmas! Dats doesn't want much, so we just made him a few cards and a "Christmas tree" on posterboard that we decorated with ornaments! I hope he likes it, at least he'll have some Christmas decorations up for the season.

The appointment went well! I love my doctor. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the end of this month, which I was surprisingly able to get! He referred me to the top 2 places for prenatal diagnosis in Maryland, so they're booked up until late January, but I was able to get a slot at his second choice the John Hopkins Hospital in downtown Baltimore. Traffic, but it's alright. I rarely go into the city, it'll be a nice change of pace. Next appointment is in 4 weeks! I'm so excited for the ultrasound!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

First deployment, Second trimester...

I'm finally starting to show! I no longer look like I'm really bloated on top of a muffin top, but now I think I can tell people that we're expecting and they'll actually believe me. I love that term, especially since I saw this post on one of my new favorite internet distractions.

**WARNING: Do not go on this site unless you are currently a bum with no life as I am**


Now that that's out of my system, I'll move on with the updates. Aside from looking more pregnant and feeling less queasy (although I STILL get carsick, and feel sick even on the swingset) I don't have much to report. I feel disgustingly full after half a meal, and then I get hungry an hour later. Itsy peeks of heartburn... The "growing pains" are starting, slightly uncomfortable but I think they were worse today due to my lack of movement. The weather is getting warmer as winter nears... I don't know what to make of it but I don't like how icky it makes me feel and I get a bad feeling it's going to make for a freezing winter. It's been so icky outside I don't even want to go out there! I just look out my window at all the beautiful colors. Autumn IS my favorite season, after all.

I am currently 17 weeks and a few days, and my next ultrasound is in a few days! I could have waited to post until after it, but I felt like writing NOW, so lucky for you readers. I'm waiting for Dats to get home so we can find out the gender of our baby together, so don't expect any big news from me any time soon. I feel like it's the least I can do, since he's already missing out on so much. I'm very grateful that he's able to keep in very close and constant contact with me, I know that it isn't a luxury that many military couples get when their spouses are deployed. It's our first, so he's intent on being as involved as he can, and I greatly appreciate it and look forward to when he gets home and we can have some real family time, just me, him, and baby. I come from a large and close family, and we're fortunate to be able to globe trot all over the place, however I have requested for some alone time since we haven't really had any since 2 years before we got married. This is the life we signed up for, and I support him fully... and I'm taking what precious time we have together wherever I can get it. When we're old and bored of each other, then we can go hang out with whomever we want... but right now, we really just want some time with each other. I crave that more than anything else.

The minions (my nieces and nephew) and I have started working on Dats' care package! He's missing a big string of holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, 28th birthday) so we're trying to make it a good one. So far we've made him a "tree" and several homemade cards, and I bought a stocking that I'm going to put the upcoming ultrasound picture in. He LOVES seeing pictures of me bloating up, so I'm sure he'll enjoy that since it doesn't show my unattractive midsection while still proving baby's getting bigger in there. He's even sent me a Boppy ( the Boppy Cuddle pillow, get one if you're uncomfortable sleeping and move around a lot, I LOVE MINE!) to get me to sleep better. First night I used it, I slept so well my bladder hurt in the morning because I didn't get up to pee the whole night! So comfy.

I like sitting around and reading all day... but listening to the girls do their homework when they get home from school makes me wanna get back on the bandwagon. I sometimes have to think a little about how to help them, which bothers me, so I decided to hop on Amazon and order myself some algebra workbooks to keep my mind sharp. I can't go on acting like numbers don't exist, just because I've always preferred reading. Math really isn't so bad... I just have a harder time relating to it. Put those numbers in a story and I'm a whizkid! I've always been better at relating information and storylines and situations help. On a similar note, I've found something interesting online. It makes a lot of sense the more that I think about it.

Bottle Test!

Try it when you have some spare time, I thought it was pretty accurate. I had my brother take it too! I can even see it in the pictures I take. Most of my shots aren't even focused on the subject... I'm very contextual. It's also why I have a difficult time giving solid answers to generic situations. I like the details.

More after the appointment!