Hafa Adai!

A spot to follow the adventures of a newlywed moving from Guam to Georgia so she can be there when he gets home from their first deployment. Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoy and/or find something useful!

Thursday 22 December 2011


For the most part, most of my symptoms have faded away... they must have been sucked into my belly, which seems to have doubled in size overnight last week.  It's a constant battle between "WHY DO I FEEL SO GOOD?! and "I FEEL SO GOOD! shut up dont complain!"

I do have to share that last weekend we took my visiting cousin and her boyfriend up to DC for an all day affair, and I darn near fell apart. It was cold, but that was the highlight of my day, because I'm actually liking the cold. I was the only one walking around hands exposed breathing in the fresh air like it was hot cocoa. The part that got me was the walking. I was drained! By the time it started to get dark I was trying to hide a limp, staggering around in confusion. I normally do not tire quickly, and could walk all dang day just for kicks, but this got me. Never again. Pregnancy is deceptive. You think you've got it all under control, next thing you know you're trying not to cry out of frustration. Why am I so tired?! Why do my legs hurt?! Why am I so hungry!? I think I was more mentally frustrated with myself than I was in actual pain, but I seriously didn't expect that much from just walking. I guess our prebaby DisneyWorld trip is out of the question.

Baby's been moving a lot more in the last 2 weeks or so. I don't have to do anything to trigger it, and I absolutely love it. I sometimes just lie here basking in it. I can't wait until Dats comes home and can feel it, because you can feel it from outside now too! I've been fiercely protective of my belly though, I want him to be the first to feel our baby move, just like how I want him to be the only one who knows the gender until we're ready to tell people. Pregnancy has severely intensified my need for personal space and privacy, that's one thing I know for sure. Another factor could also be that he's missed so much already and I like having these little things for just us. I've got less than a month left til I move to Georgia, and then he'll be home in February! Then we'll have a little time to ourselves before the baby comes and we get flooded with my loving family =) I'll be happy to have the extra hands around to help for a little bit.

The upcoming move is going smoothly so far. I've sorted all my stuff into Things-I-Will-Need-Immediately (pregnancy clothes, dishes, rice cooker, a gift for my new friend who'll be helping me out when I get there, etc) and Things-I-Don't-Really-Need-At-All (books, albums, frames, brooms, old clothes, etc.) I'm shipping the useful stuff to GA ahead of me and the second batch will follow in April. I don't see myself trail running in my prepregnancy clothes anytime between now and then anyway. The housing office at Moody has been wonderful in helping us find a place, we had such a hard time deciding between 2 BR+carport+patio or 3 BR +1.5 bath and spaaaacious kitchen! We settled for the 2 bedroom because we honestly don't need that much space right now, and when I see an empty room, I get the urge to fill it. Also, there's no space for his motorcycle or for him to work on or wash the car, and I honestly miss having a yard. I want to take our little bugger outside! Dats is always talking about missing doing yardwork too... maybe he could take care of a few of the other yards on our street for some extra cash! Heck, I'm down to do it. They don't have boonie grass out here anyway, and it's flat. A simple lawnmower will do the trick.

I've been looking into all the new apps I plan on downloading when I get my new phone! Dats its getting it for me as a belated Christmas gift =) So far I've got my What to Expect app, Cozi, Mint.com, motionxGPS, my picture apps, autostitch panorama, iGag, rage faces, skype, USAA, Paypal, and myweather. My must haves. Unfortunately, I was logging in and out of every account I own now that my brother has secured our network to the max, and I know where all the progesterone has been sneakily affecting me. PASSWORDS. I can remember everything but my passwords and secret question answers. It's awful. Damn hormones knew how to hit me where it hurts, where NO ONE CAN HELP! DARNIT. I've gotten most of my important stuff reestablished, so that's good. but I've seriously got o start storing them SOMEWHERE.

Back to baby, after finally getting back into my WTE account, I can tell you that baby is about a pound and a half now! I haven't had much of an appetite, because when I do eat I feel like it never goes all the way down... I guess I've got to stick to a bland diet. My weight has been good so far so I'm very happy about that. On another note, I've been watching martial arts movies and they make me ridiculously emotional, even more so than sports movies. I've decided that my nickname for this baby will be Yip-Man, regardless of gender. I swear it's practicing Wing Chun forms in there! The other day it was so strong I actually felt queasy. That was the day Dats called me on Skype and said he'd been online waiting for me and I started bawling out of nowhere. Darn hormones. I felt so bad because we hadn't been able to talk much since we've been entertaining my cousins and I really wanted to talk to him and it's the holidays and he's far away and I know how much he wants to be home... I just broke down and it evolved from a sad face to a whimper to the ugliest face I've worn since I don't even know. I swear, he's the only one that makes me cry!

I guess that'll be it for now. Off to watch Ong Bak! Maybe I'll make some chocolate cake too, I've got a hankering!